Thursday, July 31, 2014

A plan in the works

So, have you signed up for the newsletter yet?  I hope you have so you're not missing out on great contests and reads!

A plan is in the works here at my writing desk.  I've been struggling with what to write, what to dump, what to publish and finally have a plan for the second half of this year.  I'm aiming for at least one release a month.  Joining the newsletter will ensure you don't miss out on anything.

It's been a wet, cool summer which I'm so not impressed with!  I hope it's been warm where you are.

Here's my question for today. I'm looking at how to market more effectively.  What makes you buy an ebook?  Is it the cover, the blurb, the site you found it on?  Go ahead and leave a comment below. 

:) Jen

Tuesday, July 8, 2014

So bad...but here's a poem!

Okay, yes, I'm a horrible blogger.  I've found that out and will now attempt to be better.  Working now on the sequel to House of the Empath. Not sure yet what the title will be but I'll keep you updated.

Here's a quick little poem for a summer day

Sophie Fishes

She stands knee deep,
her fur fanned out in the water,
for hours in sun or shade
as long as I'm near
as if a look could pop
that defensive, flashy bass
Right out of the water
Into her waiting mouth
as if she could catch it
and then what...?